Friday, June 1, 2007

Exam nightmare

During younger day, purpose of schooling is meant for sitting the exam. I do curious, how incredible my little brain can input so many stuffs within a short period. I tend to ignore the reason behind of study. For me, memorize is the only way to pass the exam. Had "pre-printed" in my head. I hardly understand what factor of biology topic, chemistry chain reaction bla bla bla, By using strong memory effort, i passed my exam for the past 10 years.

I realise that, memorize can only work on those "fact" topics, but for sure not a language. I took up Japanese course just for interest lately. Whereby language itself do has exam both in writing and conversation. My old thought had failed me this. Learing by memorizing one by one doesn't work. Language needs a speak out.

With my worn out brain (10 years older compare to school age), i got to learn by hard the way to convey a phrase, express feeling. Gradually, i appreciate the "understanding" is actually more useful than memorizing. By understand, you can automatically apply when necessary. Situation by situation, case by case.

Haha..., anyway, my nightmare of exam is gonna come soon. I still couldn't get rid of the pressure for "not fully memorize" the whole book. Kind of trauma to me. Nevertheless, i shall find a new method to ease it, sleeping perhaps haha........ :)

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